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November 7, 2001
A Crazy Night in Hoboken

It's all about the Lincolns...
It was a little busy at Black Bear. I guess that's why I felt the need to clear out an area for me to dance. I was a dancing fool. I didn't even need a partner. One of the funniest parts of the night was when Krista bought me and Chad Coronas, so I went to do the thumb thing with the lime, but it started leaking, so I instinctively flipped the bottle back over, spraying about ten people in the bar. And also, in what seems to be a running trend, I caused Chad to drop and spill one of his drinks. After a little while, Consoli showed up. He was sporting his two massive fake diamond earrings. It was awesome. I gave him a HUGE hug from behind when I saw him. There is never a dull moment when that guy is around.
One the way out, I was high-fiving and shaking hands with everyone in the bar. The next day at work, they said I was like the mayor of Hoboken. In the cab ride back, I asked Chad how much it would cost because I wanted to pay, so he told me five bucks. I reached into my wallet to put out a five spot and then I started going off on Abraham Lincoln- asking the cabbie if he accepted 'Abraham Lincolns'. Then I began talking about the Emancipation Proclamation and how slavery was a bad thing. I walked out of the cab exclaiming, "God bless America."
All in all, it was an awesome night. I can't thank Chad enough for letting me stay with him. I woke up without an alarm at 7am and felt perfect. Gotta love that. We rolled into work a little after nine and we all talked about the night for the rest of the day. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the answer is no. Neither of us wore the pink feather boa or any leopard print out to the bar (although that would've been pretty cool). We just felt like having a little dress-up photo shoot at 1am. I was by no means ready for bed. I'm sure I had another few hours left in me. But as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. And so ended an awesome night in Hoboken...

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